Українська банерна мережа

Украинская Баннерная Сеть


Гоголівський ФОРУМ


Наша статистика

Авторів: 2702
Творів: 51824
Рецензій: 96141

Наша кнопка



Щиро вітаю переможців. 16 взяли українці:)

(Рецензія на твір: Падіння Берлінської стіни, автор: Володимир Вакуленко-К.)

© Володимир Вакуленко-К., 22-05-2010
Dear participants,

We had intended to come to our decision more quickly but, as you can appreciate, with 600 essays in 20 languages, the task was more complex than we anticipated. Our judges worked very hard – and the choice was not easy, since we received many (in fact too many) fine essays from all of our countries of operations. We have finally arrived at a group of 24 finalists listed below whose essays will be included in a publication we are planning to print in mid-June. If you are not in the list, you should not be discouraged – we are also working on a web-based platform to host and share the work of many more participants. If you are on the list, we will be in touch shortly with more information about the publication.

Congratulations and thanks to all for producing an extraordinary and unique body of work that is testimony to your talent, creativity and endurance.


Lawrence Sherwin
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

• Igor Andryushchenko, Ukraine
• Nikoleta Arnaudova, Bulgaria
• Tomina Atanasova, Bulgaria
• Justina Banyte, Lithuania
• Sergei Barinov, Russia
• Aleksandra Bobak, Poland
• Nikita Bolgov, Russia
• Martin Cvetanović, Serbia
• Ana Dabrundashvili, Georgia
• Lola Davidzhan, Russia
• Irina Fedorenko, Russia
• Artyom Karachun, Russia
• Sonja Kasipović, Croatia
• Lyudmila Kolb, Ukraine
• Ekaterina Kolpinets, Russia
• Mašo Mehmedović, Bosnia and Herzegovina
• Vladimir Mikhailov, Kazakhstan
• Daria Orlova, Russia
• Ivana Perić, Croatia
• Milica Petrova, Macedonia
• Relja Popović, Serbia
• Otar Sheklashvili, Lithuania
• Ulyana Yavna, Ukraine
• Artyom Zayats, Ukraine
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