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Художні твори Поезія пісня

Let's dance in the light

© Денис "Ельф", 29-12-2024
You only show love but it's a boring show
Why are you doing this who do you think you know
All these lying kisses they don't reach your soul
All these masks of happiness they're taking their toll
Throw the lie in the trash start something new
I have for you a world that's finally true
Let's dance in the light of a brand new day
Tear off the masks and wash the pain away

[verse 2]
Your ostentatious holiness it's just a game
Pretending to be something but you're all the same
A house of cards that's waiting to collapse
Living in a dream that's full of hidden traps

Throw the lie in the trash start something new
I have for you a world that's finally true
Let's dance in the light of a brand new day
Tear off the masks and wash the pain away

[Verse 3]
The spotlight shines but you're fading away
Caught in a performance day after day
Feel the freedom in the truth can't you see
No more acting roles it's just you and me
Throw the lie in the trash start something new
I have for you a world that's finally true
Let's dance in the light of a brand new day
Tear off the masks and wash the pain away

Let's break the chains and set ourselves free
In the mirror of life let's finally see
A reflection that's pure no more disguise
Living life in truth no more pretty lies
[Chorus] aaaa...aaaha..
Throw the lie in the trash start something new
I have for you a world that's finally true
Let's dance in the light of a brand new day
Tear off the masks and wash the pain away.
[Chorus] aaaa...aaaha..
Throw the lie in the trash start something new
I have for you a world that's finally true
Let's dance in the light of a brand new day
Tear off the masks and wash the pain away.
aaaa...aaaha..aaaa...aaaha..don't lie to yourself...never lie to yourself....

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