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INSERT INTO `stat_hits` VALUES(NULL, 3787, 0, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '')

Ответ MySQL:
144 Table './gak@002ecom@002eua_prod/stat_hits' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed

Художні твори Поезія Переклад


© Сергій Микун, 23-02-2007
ТОЛ - Самознищення (переклад на англійську)

The state of not frightened zombie. Supermen all around and I’m on my own.
The amorous bitches. The narcissistic dull bitches.

To care a knife, and keep it in my pocket – is not so interesting for me, yeah.
I’ll thrust knife into beast. And I want to thrust it for everyone who?!
I vanish from sight, and paying the arrears. You exam closely who and what I am
Who are the strongest, don’t worry, we’ll see it.
Who should survive, but who will drive into corner?

Listen: I go on right. And you go on right too. And he goes on right. Seems we are all right.
It is mobilized company. It is closed mobilized company.
Having a hiding place? Not have a hiding place! I want to hide for escaping from company
From fucking mobilized company, from fucking mobilized company.
We exam your reaction on us, you look who and what we are.
Who are the strongest you define it exactly
Who should survive, but who will drive into corner.

Self-destruction, yes! Back, left, forward is!!!
Self-destruction, yes! (it’s) destruction is.

Hey you, state… I am speaking with you now
You don’t care my touching, How don’t yet? Oh, why.
Yeah you, state, I’m talking with…

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