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INSERT INTO `stat_hits` VALUES(NULL, 15171, 0, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '')

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144 Table './gak@002ecom@002eua_prod/stat_hits' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed

Художні твори Поезія Пісня

The darkness

© Машка, 22-04-2009
I. You*re too weak for moving forward,
Step back - and you will fall.
Then crush the surface
Of painful cold.
And if you find the answers
Share them with me.
So I*ll give you the entrance
Into the dream...

You light the candle,
To make the spiders gone.
You don*t know what I am,
But still you*re sure.
And if you*re blind in the darkness,
You*d better sleep.
I*ll make the music louder,
And you will be for me.

ІІ. You look through the morning,
And search for the night.
You*re so tired of this howling
Inside of your mind.
You just want the silence,
And flies don*t want to go.
You throw away these razors,
And start to kiss the snow.

You light the candle,
To make the spiders gone.
You don*t know what I am,
But now you*re sure.
And if you*re white in the darkness,
You*d better sleep.
I*ll make the music louder,
And you*ll be healing me...

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